Raintree International School Curriculum

Empowered with resilience, confidence, well-being, self-regulation and effective communication, children will be positively equipped to thrive successfully within a society.

While our learning goals are based on the British Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), our teaching approach is inspired by the Reggio Emilia philiosophy which encourages children to learn through play, inquiry and their own exploration.  Developed in collaboration with a leading early childhood curriculum professor, our holistic programme prepares the children to meet the challenges of an increasingly connected world by helping them develop not only academic competencies but also social skills.  Positively equipped with resilience, confidence, well-being, self-regulation and effective communication skills, children become empowered to thrive within a constantly evolving society.

At Raintree, we understand the importance of play in children’s holistic development. Play allows the children to build confidence naturally as they experiment, think and form relationships. The Raintree curriculum is therefore designed to foster learning through hands-on discoveries in collaborative play. Every day, the children are given opportunities to engage in a healthy balance of adult-led and child-initiated activities built around art, music, water play, construction play, cooking, drama, and gardening as well as in specialist classes such as physical education and Thai studies.

The environment also plays a vital role in the learning process at our school. We place great emphasis on creating spaces that support and encourage the children’s natural curiosity to explore.

Our Approach

British EYFS

Children work towards early developmental goals and academic readiness through play-based learning that recognises the importance of communication (including early literacy and numeracy) as well as social and emotional development.

Inspired by 
the Reggio Emilia Approach

Raintree respects each unique child as a strong, capable and resilient learner. Learning is supported through child-initiated inquiries where ideas flow between the children and teachers allowing creativity and collaboration to bloom.

Holistic Programme

Our curriculum recognises the holistic nature of young children’s learning, and cultivates the development of 21st Century social competence skills, nurturing our children to become compassionate and contributing global citizens of the world.

Multi-lingual Learning Environment

Children are immersed in an integrated multi-lingual environment where language learning takes place spontaneously in a natural environment, making it meaningful and engaging.